オニオンケット8:イベント事後レポート / ONIONKET 8: POST-EVENT REPORT


With the end of February, we've seen the successful end of yet another Onion Comic Market. So let's look back once more and see how things went. As a change of pace, this Post-Event Report will be in blog post format rather than a video… largely because it's easier to make, but also because I wanted to add a News Blog page to the Onionket site to keep a visible record of events as they unfold.


In terms of circles, Onionket 8 had nine participants in total, including myself. The same as Onionket 7, but we did have a new first-time participant, so in some respect there was a little growth. As I've said before, ten circles is the magic number I set for myself to be completely satisfied with participation, but once again we fell just short of it. I would like the event to grow in the future, but PR work is difficult and it's hard to deny that this event caters to a niche within a niche, so getting more people on board isn't easy. There are numerous people who've worked hard to shill Onionket to people around them, and to direct people our way, so hats off to them. Without them we'd probably be much smaller than we are. Maybe next time we'll break through that ceiling.

オニオンケット公式ライブ配信も少し変わりました。いつもの配信とちがって、CaveboomerさんとCoffee Magistrateさんが一緒トークショーに参加してくれた。技術的な問題が絶対に現れると思っていたが、驚いたことに全てがスムーズに進めました。実は楽しかったが、もっと準備してよかったと思います。最初はちゃんとインタビューするために質問を用意したかったが、忙しくてなかなか時間がなくて結局フリートークになりました。それでも楽しかったと個人的に思ったけど、視聴者さんが楽しんでいたかどうか自信がないね。実はそれに関してフィードバックがほしい。アーカイブはOdyseeまたはPomfTVに記録されているので、ぜひ見て(あるいはもう一度見て)下さい。

The Onionket Livestream changed a little this year, thanks largely to Caveboomer and The Coffee Magistrate volunteering to chat live during the stream. I was worried that we'd have lots of technical trouble pulling it off, but surprisingly everything went smoothly, and it was actually a lot of fun. My only real regret was not planning better for it. I had originally intended to prepare a list of questions and do a proper interview, but time got away from me and I ended up winging it on the spot. While just chatting was fun to do, I don't know whether it was equally fun to watch. Hopefully it was, but I'd love to get more feedback on this. The VODs are available on Odysee and PomfTV as usual, so please feel free to watch (or rewatch) them there.

もちろん、フリートークのマイナス面は配信が事実上英語のみになります。会話のライブ翻訳しようとしても、ほどがありますね… そして英語のみの配信は日本の参加者に対してあまり楽しくないと思います。

One downside of the informal chat style is that it makes the stream effectively English-only. I can try to provide running translations in Japanese, but it's hard to do, and I worry it might not be as enjoyable to Japanese participants.


On the technical side of things, thankfully nothing really went wrong. Onionshare worked, Session and SimpleX Chat worked, and all of the circles went up and stayed up throughout the event. I have absolutely no complaints or regrets here.


In terms of numbers, again, it's very hard to judge. But I personally had something in the area of 30 visits to my own circle page, and I heard another circle had 3 or 4 times that. Others mentioned that the number of visitors was lower then previously, so it's hard to say if traffic was overall high or lower than before. Still, it seems there

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